Wednesday, June 22, 2011

grease the wheels

Interesting concept....attitudes control the world.  Ego creates war.  We must be careful and realize what we think we can also create.  Seeds sown in thought therefore action DO grow.  This matters to railroaders and every other entity, business, or person in the world.  We are stronger and more influential than we can possibly realize.

Today, be more thoughtful.  Try to keep a positive frame of mind.  Do your job to the best of your ability.  Hold others responsible to do the same.  Report unfair ethics and treatment.
Viva Primo Train has a mailbox in the Ney Yard Office.  Phone numbers and emails have been made available.  Trust this new mode of communication and take the time to report frustrations and solutions which definitely include listing delays on trains.

Last week I met with many people and departments within the UPRR in Fort Worth.
Unfortunately due to a tight schedule including train and job protection, I have not had the time to report the things I have learned in detail.  However I can add that I can type as fast as people talk,  and I do have detailed conversations showing what happens in meetings.  Therefore I draw conclusions.  I can say honestly that the more I learn, the more I understand the frustrations and problems that exist and are handled daily in management.

Luckily the southern region has number one rail traffic movement.  All terminals across the system have bottleneck problems.  A number one thing I would like to see happen is crews removed from trains when they are just going to sit for hours on end.  Our boards are depleted almost daily and awaiting rested crews.  Because people are not getting ample time at home to care for family needs, more lay offs are inevitable.  With strict standards for lay offs, problems are bound to arise.

Long term I hope to help develop a new regimen of scheduling for train crews.  Do you realize that even if you get five weeks vacation a year....(35 days) still are much below the national average of people and jobs that get weekends off.....(52 x 2 = 104).  Those people also get vacation and holidays.
Maximum railroad time is eleven personal leave days....penalties for holidays and weekends taken.
No wonder railroaders have a high rate of divorce and family problems.

To have better attitudes we need a better foundation for rest and the ability to plan family time.
With improved attitudes, rest, and more nutritious diets, safety is bound to also rise to higher standards.
How can we be truly safe when we are pushed beyond our limits and threatened or bullied when we try to take the time to support our families and make plans?

Support Viva Primo Train and therefore yourself.  We are working with Unions and management to bring about positive change.  There is so much to be done.  It is frustrating.  As I was recently reminded...railroading is an age old culture.  This will take time.  To illustrate....the definition of crazy is doing the same things the same ways but expecting different results.   When we ourselves can be catalysts of change then we can expect and will experience change around us.  Illness at first treated may get worse before it gets better.  Weight loss will increase when a person first restricts calories, because the body reacts thinking it must hold on to the calories it has stored, but when the body realizes healthy
calories are steadily being maintained, it will shed the fat.  This is also what we can expect.  Act....
think empowered, and you will see results.


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